In the name of the Organizing Committee, the Libyan Air Force, the Libyan Civil Aviation Authority, and the Air Transportation Workers Union; it is my pleasure to welcome you again in the Great Jamahiriya to the Second Libyan Aviation Exhibition " LAVEX 2009 " that will be held from the 5th to 8th October 2009 it is considered as a continuation to LAVEX 2007 in which more than 65 companies from 25 countries participated exhibiting the latest in the fields of civil and military air transportation industries, witnessing about 30,000 visitors per day.
The Organization of LAVEX 2009 comes as a response to the increased demand of international companies at this time where the civil and military air transportation sector in undertaking huge steps in executing projects and developing the infrastructure of this vital sector.
The Organization of LAVEX 2009 comes as a response to the increased demand of international companies at this time where the civil and military air transportation sector in undertaking huge steps in executing projects and developing the infrastructure of this vital sector.
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